131022 - Glazing with Anna Bingham and live drawing with John Close
121022 - Lino making and discussion
111022 - Invisible Cities (continued) & film night
011122 - Traces and film night
061022 - Oil painting with Mattea Perrotta, and life drawing with John Close
051022 - catch up with Susi and an intro to new materials!
041022 - Invisible Cities (continued) and JR: Can Art Change the World? (TED Talk)
290922 - my first oil painting with Matt Philips & life drawing with John Close
280922 - my first Pecha Kucha Presentation!
270922 - Invisible Cities (continued) & "Art that made us - To Kill a King"
220922 : Art lab with Mick Kirkbride & life drawing with John Close
210922 - Hew Locke, Cornelia Parker, Maria Bartuszova, and Lubaina Himid & B-list project
200922 - Invisible Cities & 3 great artists
2022 new adventure starts here -
150922 - Hello my first lesson at HSoA!